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Re: Supporting IEEE 754 [exceptions] (in a front end [gfortran])

On Sat, 29 Nov 2008, Tobias Burnus wrote:

> While (a) and (b) can be easily handled in the front end, I don't see
> how I can handle the rest efficiently. Most parts are provided by
> fenv.h, for which I seemingly have to write a wrapper function (in
> libgfortran) as the typedefs and constants cannot be made available in
> the front end - or have I missed something?

The typedefs and constants can also vary between multilibs (if, e.g. on 
Power, different sorts of floating-point are supported on the target and 
each one defines the macros to accord with the target - see 
for example); I think library functions are the way to go.

> My biggest issue is that I don't see how I can compile-time evaluate the
> following - or how to evaluate it at all:
> if (IEEE_SUPPORT_NAN(x)) &    ! should be always true (or false) on a
> given system

See MODE_HAS_NANS etc. in real.h.

Joseph S. Myers

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