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Re: Official GCC git repository

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Andreas Schwab wrote:
>> I've been waiting until I had the time to rewrite my import with proper
>> author names.  Does anyone have a correspondence file mapping the login
>> name to Author?
> I have a list that is about 4 months old.  Should be pretty complete.

Cute.  How about adding this to the GCC repository in some file parallel
to our MAINTAINERS file?  Something like MAINTAINERS.logins or so?

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Samuel Tardieu wrote:
> I also think adding the Real Name is nice.
> Maybe we should also consider adding the login as an additional field
> in the MAINTAINERS file, as AFAIK every MAINTAINERS as a
> address.

That would be an alternative.  It would increase the width of MATINAINERS
above 80 characters, and I'm not sure how much of an issue that would be.

Either way, having this information in one central place sounds like a 
good idea.


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