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Other format: [Raw text] missing most GCC SVN branches?

[David, my fallible memory says that you operate this incredibly useful
 service: if not, feel free to ignore it / tell me who does / forward
 it on.]

I just had reason to want to look at the 4.3 branch (as opposed to HEAD
as usual) and found that the git mirror on isn't
tracking it:

* remote origin
  URL: git://
  Remote branch merged with 'git pull' while on branch trunk
  Tracked remote branches
    autovect-branch fixed-point gcc-4_1-branch gcc-4_2-branch master trunk

Might it be a good idea to expand the set of GCC SVN branches that this
repository is tracking a bit? I'm not asking for every random weird
branch, but release branches and perhaps major branches under
development might be a good idea.

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