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Re: C++0x rvalue references get clobbered somehow


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Lukas Mai <> wrote:
>  I'm having problems with g++-4.3.0 and C++0x. Disclaimer: I don't
>  understand rvalue references, but since I need (indirect) argument
>  forwarding, I copied and modified an example from the web.
>  (I believe detail_region::fw is equivalent to std::forward.)
>  Here's (a simplified version of) my code. Details like destructors,
>  dynamic memory management, etc are gone; it's just generic object
>  construction.
[snip code]
>  This code works fine (and prints 123) when compiled with
>  g++ -std=c++0x -O2 (or -Os or -O). However, without optimization
>  it produces output like -1207981096. This number changes if
>  different function calls are used at the location marked XXX.
>  Somehow args.head loses its value between construction (in alloc)
>  and use (in capply), but only if optimizations are not enabled.
>  I think args.head should be bound to the temporary value 123,
>  which should stay alive until the next statement. But something
>  seems to overwrite it before p is initialized.

I think you've tripped across a bug in the C++0x standard. GCC is
implementing exactly what the C++0x standard currently says, but
that's not what we want rvalue references to do :)

The issue, I believe, is that when forwarding built-in types like
integers, the compiler will end up making extra temporaries... and
tuple<int>::head will end up being bound to a temporary that doesn't
live long enough for your code to work (at -O0). This issue is being
tracked as GCC bug 34022, here:

But the important part is that it is core issue 664 for C++0x, tracked here:

Current status: the Core Working Group of the C++ committee agrees
that there is a problem, and what the general solution is, but we
don't yet have the wording to update the C++ standard (and, then, GCC)
to fix the problem. Note that, if I tweak your example to use the
following test case, it works (because we don't make more temporaries
of class type; just of built-in types):

struct X {
  X(int value ) : value(value) {}

  int value;

int main() {
   using awesome::region;

   region r;
   X *p = r.alloc(X(123));
   cout << p->value << '\n';

  - Doug

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