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Re: AVR port broken on 4.3 20080215 snapshot
As Weddington, Eric wrote:
> 1. I've never been able to get svn (Cygwin command line client) to
> fully checkout gcc. By contrast, cvs works fine for me for binutils.
SVN ought to work fine without Cygwin, on plain Windows. Just FWIW...
I've only seen issues with some proxies that don't route all the DAV
requests used by SVN's HTTP protocol, but if CVS works, you probably
don't have a proxy involved.
I'll try upgrading my own snapshot here locally, and see whether I can
find something.
cheers, J"org .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)