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Re: AVR port broken on 4.3 20080215 snapshot

On Feb 16, 2008 8:10 PM, Weddington, Eric <> wrote:
> Hi All
> 4.3 20080215 snapshot fails to build for the AVR, whereas last week's
> snapshot 20080207 builds just fine. Filed as bug #35218:
> <>
> I know that the AVR target is neither a primary or secondary platform
> (though we'd like to pitch for secondary status for 4.4), but the AVR
> target hasn't been broken on a release since sometime in 3.3.x IIRC. It
> would be a shame if the AVR target was broken just days before a 4.3.0
> release candidate. I was planning on using the release candidate in an
> upcoming experimental release of WinAVR.
> The build failure does not *seem* to be on anything target specific; it
> fails on makeinfo and can't seem to find libiberty/at-file.texi. See the
> bug for details.
> Any help in getting this resolved would be appreciated.

If it worked with the last weeks snapshot, can you isolate the patch that broke


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