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Re: Something is broken in repack. Why not with fork and pipes?


On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, J.C. Pizarro wrote:

> It's good idea if it's for 24/365.25 that it does
>  autorepack-compute-again-again-again-those-unexplored-deltas of
>  git repositories in realtime. :D

This sentence does not parse.

> Some body can do "git clone" that it could give smaller that one hour ago :D

Neither does this.

> To Linus, Why don't you forget the threaded implementation of your 
> repo-pack?

Please do a little research before you ask such questions: it is neither 
Linus who did it, nor is it better to use processes than threads.

Besides, your proposal has nothing to do with the issue of this thread 
(memory consumption).


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