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Two quick C++ performace inquiries


I assume that this is the correct mailing list to ask this, as opposed
to a Cpp list, since it appears to me that this is compiler-related.


class foo
	int priv;
	void bar();

Supposing i am writing the definition of foo::bar, and i want to change
the private member priv. Is "this->priv=1" equal to "priv=1", as far as
performance goes? I assume that since there is an explicit dereference
of *this, there is no performance overhead so both would be equal,
however i could not locate any documentation on this (and typing "this"
on search engines does not weild the best results...). Is this correct?

(I am asking because of a suggested policy to refer to members of
classes with "this->", in an effort to distinguish them from
non-members, something like priv_)



void foo()

inline void bar()

int main(...)

Consider the foo function, where after the pre-compiler step, the
compiler would know that the body of a given function is empty. Is the
call to that function included in the built .o? (call/ret, possibly
push/pop, etc). I am asking because such a thing would add (usually?)
unnecessary overhead.

Also, in the inlined empty function case. This should (always?) be
expanded to a no-op (and thus eliminated) from the .o object, the way i
see it. But again, i could not find any confirmation. Is this correct?

(What i try to achieve by this is to have debugging functionality added
that completely vanishes from the executable after i compile it with
different options. I would maintain the calls to debugging functions to
the performance-critical parts, in hope that they are recognised as
empty and not add any performance penalty)

Thank you for your time,

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