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Re: GCC 4.3.0 Status Report (2007-09-04)


> Kai Tietz wrote:
> >> Kai, why is your change making OUTGOING_REG_PARM_STACK_SPACE accept a
> >> FUNCTION_DECL, rather than a FUNCTION_TYPE?  I'd think that all
> >> calling-convention predicates ought to be looking at the type to 
> >> calling through function pointers?
> > 
> > This macro is used also in builtin's and libcalls subject where the 
> > FUNC_DECL is a null reference. Also in most places the FUNC_DECL is 
> > allready present. To avoid duplicate code to check and get the 
> > by FUNC_DECL, I choose to pass the function declaration.
> I'm sorry -- that doesn't really answer the question I was trying to
> ask.  To be clear, if we're calling through a function pointer, we still
> need to be able to do the right thing, and in that case we don't have a
> FUNCTION_DECL.  So, I don't understand how you can have a macro to
> control the calling convention that accepts a FUNCTION_DECL; I would
> think it would have to accept a FUNCTION_TYPE.

Sorry, I think I missed your question. To make the macro 
special reason for it. I deceided this to make it accepting a 
FUNCTION_DECL to avoid the fndecl to fntype conversion in middle-backend. 
In some cases there is no fntype nor a valid fndecl and (a NULL value), 
but there is the FUNCTION_DECL type allready present, therefore I choose 
the FUNCTION_DECL type instead of the FUNCTION_TYPE. I think, I used it to 
be according to the REG_PARM_STACK_SPACE macro. If this is a serious 
problem, of course I can move this to a FUNCTION_TYPE. Are there some 
special needs to have here FUNCTION_TYPE ?

 i.A. Kai Tietz

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