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GCC 4.2.1 Status Report (2007-07-10)


The next scheduled GCC 4.2.x release is GCC 4.2.1 on July 13th.

As of 5PM PDT tomorrow, please consider the 4.2 branch closed to all
changes.  If you have outstanding changes that have been approved, but
not committed, make the commits before that time.  I plan to build GCC
4.2.1 RC2 tomorrow evening.

I will probably wait until a few days after the 13th to build the
final release, in order to make sure that people have had a chance to
test out RC2.

We still have 3 wrong-code P1s:

PR 32182 -fstrict-aliasing ...
PR 32327 Incorrect stack sharing...
PR 32328 -fstrict-aliasing ...

Priority	#	Change from Last Report
-------		-	-----------------------

P1		21	-8
P2		113	0
P3		3	+1

Previous Report

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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