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RE: Crossbuild problem x86_64-pc-mingw32 related to crtbegin & crtend

On 10 July 2007 12:19, Kai Tietz wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried to build the cross-compiler for the target x86_64-pc-mingw32 and
> noticed some trouble about the crtbegin and crtend for this target. To the
> specfile this object was introduced by the patch of Danny Smith from the
> 14th of Jine 2007. The problem is, that those objects are not compiled and
> they seems to be not even build for i?86 AFAICS.
> May somebody can help me for this problem. Is it ok to simply remove the
> crt*.o from spec file for this target, or should these files be builded
> for it ?

  Are you trying to rebuild in an old objdir from before the patch?  I found that something didn't work as I had hoped in the dependencies and I had to blow away my existing build dir and configure from fresh.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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