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Re: RFC: Enabling DFP/libbid on dditional target (mingw32)

On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 20:50 +1200, Danny Smith wrote:
> On i686-pc-mingw32 I can build  a libbid-enabled libgcc by  adding
> --enable-decimal-float=bid to configure and
> setting ENABLE_DFP=1 in environment when running make bootstrap.

> Can somebody please advise of further test harness(es) for libbid?  Or
> am I missing a more fundamental reason for the limited range of targets
> supporting DFP?

The compiler backend needs to know how to handle decimal floating
point modes: what kind of registers are used for them, how to pass
arguments and return function results, and more.  That, in turn,
requires additions to the target's ABI.


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