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Re: Some thoughts about steerring commitee work

> Looking at the last SC announcement, it is probably easy to get the
> impression that SC is shrunk to David Edelsohn, may be Mark Mitchell
> and Gerald Pfeifer.  

Those three people are indeed the ones that usually *speak for* the SC,
but you have absolutely no way of knowing how many of the members of the
SC are actually involved in a discussion of any topic.

> Could you please give us more explanation about your decisions.  Could
> you please be more open in your work.  It is natural.  

No, it isn't.  Decisions over maintainership isn't technical, but are
instead discussions about *people*.  When you say "I'm going to let this
person do XYZ", you're often implicitly saying that you're not going to
let some other person do it.  These kinds of decisions are often very tricky
and don't, to me, seem like the sorts of things you want discussed in
public forums.

> Without this it looks like a political decision.

Maintainership decisions are, almost by definition, "political", because
they relate to policies and project structure.

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