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RE: GCC Garbage Collection

On 14 November 2006 03:30, Mike Stump wrote:

> On Nov 13, 2006, at 5:23 PM, Brendon Costa wrote:

>> At most there is about 40 lines of code in each of them.
> PCH is when you have 500,000 lines of C++ code in the main .h file,
> and 20 lines in the .C file.  :-)

  Nonono, PCH is when you have 6 lines in the .C file, *one* line in the
main.h file, and 500,000 lines in the seventeen nested recursive levels of
standard headers that are pulled in by that single "#include <ostream>" in the
main .h file!

  Or IOW, it's *ideally* suited for compiling hello.C!  <g>

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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