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Re: C++: Implement code transformation in parser or tree

Mark Mitchell <> writes:


| Also, it appears to me that there is something missing from N1958: there
| is no discussion about what happens when you apply typeid to a lambda
| function, or otherwise use it in a context that requires type_info.

There still are some discussions going on (it is not alsways feasable
to reflect all the discussions), especially with respect to callback,
default policy and the like.

| (Can you throw it as an exception, for example?)  Can you capture its
| type with typeof()? 

lambdas are supposed to be usable with algorithms implemented as
function templates, so I suspect they must be combinable with typeof. 

| Can you declare a function with a paramter of type
| pointer-to-lambda-function?  Is this discussed, or am I missing something?

There is the discussion on callbacks.

-- Gaby

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