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Re: fdump-tree explanation

> The idea is a bit complex. Anyway the fold function has no one only
> return so i can't compare input tree with output one, and it's called
> from a lot of others functions of others files. Ian said to create a
> counter and increment it every time a role is triggered, it's seems
> better but it's not easy to find the right place to add my counter
> into a function of 3230 lines!
> Even if i find the right places to put my code, how can i output
> collected infos?

fold only has 4 return statements in it.  Though most uses of the folders
don't call fold but call the other functions, fold_buildN or fold_unary/binary,
etc. instead.

Also some tree optimizers use fold to calculate stuff like how many interations
a loop can run for so the number is bit useless in general if you gather it via
fold directly.

Why do what to know how many simplifications has happened?

Andrew Pinski

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