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Large memory requirements for 4.2 and 4.3

For many years, the default gcc compile options for C code generated by Gambit, the Scheme->C compiler, were very simple (-O1 -fschedule- insns2 -fno-math-errno -fno-trapping-math) and I didn't have problems with gcc's space requirements to compile those files. (I often ran into complexity issues with the algorithms, but people here fixed those over the years.

Recently, Marc Feeley used a genetic algorithm to find better compile options for Gambit-generated code; he found that performance increased by about 30% with more aggressive optimizations (but not gcse, yet ;-).

With these new options I can't compile necessary Gambit-generated C files on darwin-ppc in 2 GB of space, with or without modulo scheduling. I'm sure that the same thing will happen on other architectures for slightly larger files.

I filed

that gives an example of gcc requiring inordinate (to my mind) amounts of memory to compile a program. Perhaps someone would like to look at this PR and give some perspective on the space requirements I'm seeing.


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