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RE: gcc template error?

I suspect this line is the source of your problems:
  friend T<class Y>* func<Y, X>(T<X>* p);
Y isn't a template parameter here, but a (concrete?) class named "Y".
The below compiles with 3.4.3 anyways...

// Line 1 class A { public: A() { }; ~A() { }; };

class B { public: B(); B(const A& a) { }; ~B(); };

template <typename X, typename Y> class T;

template <typename X, typename Y>
T<X,Y>* func(T<X,Y>* p);

template <typename X, typename Y> class T { X* m_; public: T(X* x) : m_(x) { }; ~T() { }; friend T<X,Y>* func<X,Y>(T<X,Y>* p); };

template <typename X, typename Y> T<X,Y>* func(T<X,Y>* p) { return (new T<X,Y>(new X(*p->m_))); }

int main() { A* a = new A(); T<A,B>* p = new T<A,B>(a); T<A,B>* q = func<A, B>(p); return 0; }

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