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Re: Reporting bugs: there is nothing to gain in frustrating reporters

On 2005-06-19 17:33:55 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> Then, care to explain
>    On 2005-06-19 11:47:16 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>    > since you seem OK with that solution, would you mind preparing a patch?
>    > (discussions are not executables; someone needs to make things happen.) 
>    This is complete non-sense. One doesn't prepare a patch for an invalid
>    bug.
> ?

By "an invalid bug", I meant "a bug marked as invalid" (I thought every
one would have understood with the context). Is that clear now?

Concerning about reopening it, I didn't feel the need since some other
users tried before (and gave good reasons), without any success (see
the last duplicates for instance).

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