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Re: What is wrong with Bugzilla? [Was: Re: GCC and Floating-Point]

On 2005-06-06 19:23:06 -0400, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Laurent GUERBY wrote:
> >Such algorithm usually require a very detailed control of what's
> >going on at the machine level, given current high level programming
> >languages that means using assembler.
> No, that's not true, you might want to look at some of Jim Demmel's
> work in this area.

Do you have a reference (URL...)?

> >Or that many programs that currently work on many OS
> >will start to work the same under Linux instead of
> >giving strange (and may be wrong) results.
> But many programs that work fine on the x86 now will start breaking.

Linux/x86 only! And probably not many programs, and only programs
specific to x86. Their authors could still change the rounding
precision at the beginning of their programs if need be.

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