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Re: Moving to an alternate VCS

Daniel Berlin <> writes:

> > So would you say that the principal reason you want to move is because
> > tagging is slow?  There are many reasons to switch, and I just want to
> > make sure that I understand what is driving this.

> 1. tagging is slow
> 2. branching gets slow (IE checkouts from  branches) for long lived
> branches, 
> 3. merging into branches is more of a pain in the ass than it should be
> (we should simply be able to say "bring in changes between global
> revision number x and global revision number y, into this tree, instead
> of trying to specify it on a per-file basis)
> 4, Everything else is more or less sugar (the fact that it allows
> offline diffs, etc)

0. changesets (definitely not sugar!)

This would be most beneficial aspect of a more modern VCS (to my
mind).  It makes automated regression searching so much simpler, for


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