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Re: Compilation performance comparison of GCC 3.4.2 and GCC 4.0.0 (20050127) on MICO sources

On Jan 31, 2005, at 3:55 AM, Karel Gardas wrote:


last comparison is here:

Please note that for this comparison I've also redone 3.4.2 testing and so
both 3.4.2 and 4.0.0 were run under same conditions. Last few comparisons
were made with the same 3.4.2 results as you might noted. Overall
difference between old and new 3.4.2 results is about ~4% (for -O0 where I
noted it), with new results being better (faster). FYI: The hardware is
still the same, just kernel changed from 2.4.x to 2.6.x IIRC.

Anyway, the results(regresssions), since overlall 4.0.0 seems to be faster
for all -O0/1/2 than 3.4.2, are:

Hmm, I notice you used a compiler from the 27th which the same day at which
Steven applied a patch which should have sped up -O1. I am thinking you
were using a compiler before that because I got about a 3 seconds speed up
at -O1 for ir.ii (or about a 5%) after his patch was applied.

-- Pinski

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