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Re: GCC 3.5 Status (2004-08-29)

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Andrew Pinski wrote:

> I should note that the bootstrap time feels longer but I could be imagining
> things.

Bootstrap plus testsuite run time has been slowing down, by actual 
observation (3.5 hours three months ago, 4 hours now; 45 minutes 3.5 years 
ago), but because of the additional code being added to the compilers, 
runtime libraries and testsuites that isn't really something to use as a 
release criterion; users only build a release once (or once per system).  
(I'd be very unlikely to object to a testsuite addition on the grounds of 
increased testing time.)  The time to build a fixed body of code with 
different compilers, as shown for example in the SPEC timings, is the more 
useful comparison since it avoids mixing the two variables of what is 
being compiled and what is doing the compiling.

Joseph S. Myers      - status of C90 for GCC 3.5 (personal mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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