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Re: Warning for unadorned 0 in varargs lists?

Yes, the attribute approach is better. But the particular function that's giving me problems has a "type" like
int (*)(void*, int, int, [const char*, int]*, const char* = 0)
so it's not execl-like.

But if there is such a prototype in scope, then a literal 0 argument will be cast to a const char*, even on a platform with 32-bit int and 64-bit pointers. So what is the problem? Does your code omit the prototype altogether and hope that the right thing happens?

Oh, misunderstanding. The function takes any number of [const char*, int] pairs, followed by a null pointer. Thus "[const char*, int]*" regex syntax. Sorry, should have been more clear.

The actual prototype is

int Clp_AddStringListType(Clp_Parser *, int type_id, int flags, ...);

Uses include

    (clp, LOOP_TYPE, Clp_AllowNumbers,
     "infinite", 0, "forever", 0,
     (const char*) 0);
    (clp, DISPOSAL_TYPE, Clp_AllowNumbers,
     "none", GIF_DISPOSAL_NONE,
     "asis", GIF_DISPOSAL_ASIS,
     "background", GIF_DISPOSAL_BACKGROUND,
     "previous", GIF_DISPOSAL_PREVIOUS,
     (const char*) 0);


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