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Multi threaded server : Segementation fault on ia64 Linux


 I have a multi threaded server which works fine on 32
bit Linux(i686, 4 processor), but on 64 bit SUSE
Linux(ia64 Itenium 2 family 16 processor Linux) it
gives Segmentation fault. 

Following is the problem description:

I have a client program which connects/disconnects for
each request. After few client requests, server gives
segmentation fault. In my server program I use 
system() call to run a shell command. I found that
segmentation fault is occurring on any file operation
after that system() call. 

Problem is on 64 bit Linux (16 processors) -
kernel:2.4.19-SMP, gcc version is 2.96 20000731 (Red
Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-101).

It works fine on 32 bit machine(4 processors)- kernel:
2.4.18-3bigmem, gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat
Linux 7.3 2.96-110)

Please note that system() call and file operations are
synchronized. If I comment out the system() call it's
working fine. I replaced system() by popen() but the
problem still exists. Also I added fflush() before as
man page for popen suggests that. 

Help on this would be appreciated. 



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