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Re: Weird g++ error with current 3.4 CVS

Whoops, sorry. A g++ 2.95 slipped under my mpiCC.


Richard Guenther wrote:
Since a g++ rebuild of todays CVS I get the following weird error from compiling the POOMA library:

/net/alwazn/home/rguenth/src/pooma-bk/r2/src/Domain/SliceDomain.h: In method `SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<2,1> > >::SliceDomain(const SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<2,1> > > &)':
/net/alwazn/home/rguenth/src/pooma-bk/r2/src/Domain/SliceRange.h:121: instantiated from `SliceRange<2,1>::SliceRange(const SliceRange<2,1> &)'
/net/alwazn/home/rguenth/src/pooma-bk/r2/src/Engine/BrickBase.cpp:301: instantiated from `Pooma::DoubleSliceHelper<1,2>::init(Interval<1> &, int *, int &, const Pooma::BrickViewBase<2> &, const SliceInterval<2,1> &)'
src/Engine/BrickBase3.cmpl.cpp:38: instantiated from here
/net/alwazn/home/rguenth/src/pooma-bk/r2/src/Domain/SliceDomain.h:156: non-constant `operator <=<DomainTraits<SliceRange<2,1> >::{anonymous enum}>((+&sliceDimensions), (+&dimensions))' cannot be used as template argument

where it is moaning about the CTAssert in

  // copy constructor
  SliceDomain(const SliceDomain<DT> &sd)
    : slice_m(sd.slice_m),
      domain_m(sd.domain_m) {
    CTAssert(DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions);
    for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
      ignore_m[d] = sd.ignore_m[d];

where CTAssert is defined in the usual way

#define CTAssert(c) PoomaCTAssert<(c)>::test()

template<bool B> struct PoomaCTAssert {};

template<> struct PoomaCTAssert<true> { static void test() {} };

and DT::sliceDimensions and DT::dimensions are anonymouns enum entries. It seems DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions is treated as method reference somehow, is this correct or even standard conform?

g++-3.4 (GCC) 3.4.2 20040816 (prerelease)


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