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Re: Optimization question

Jou Buck wrote:

> Please do NOT ask people to try to assemble a test case based on hints
> that you dribble out one message at a time.  The GCC developers are very
> busy, and reverse-engineering your bug is not a good use of their time.

First of all, I'm also not being paid for reporting bugs, especially when
they are not critical, but point out shortcomings in the optimizer. I have
wasted a day trying to compile the compiler from the snapshot, just to
check wheter there's a similar bug, fixing about a dozen of errors in the
source package. No one has paid me for that too.

> If your issue is that your original program is proprietary, then it is up
> to you, not to anyone else, to produce an alternative test case that you
> can share.

No, this part of the program is not proprietary, since I do not use GNU
tools for the programs of special value. The code I sent here was short
exactly because I wanted to save your time, providing the essence of
the problem. It contains everything needed to reproduce the bug.
Especially the fully compilable version I sent to James, but because of
a strange configuration of the mailing list probably only he has received
Anyway, if nobody cares, then why should _I_ care?

    Farewell, Piotr

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