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catenation of CPP tokens

Using Sun's Forte6, I can paste tokens together e.g. __CLASS__##::##__FUNC__
in a macro to create a valid name for a member of a C++ class.
However, using GCC, although documented as working, this fails because any two of
the three tokens do not make a valid token i.e. __CLASS__##:: and ::##__FUNC__ are
This seems like a nasty bug which prevents me from moving my source to Linux.
Any comment or sneaky work-around would be appreciated.
If not, at least try to share this information with the developers that could fix it!

Byron Berglund
Facet Decision Systems, Inc.
Suite 300 - 1060 West 8th, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 1C4
(604) 606-8070	FAX: (604) 739-7753

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