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Ada bootstrap failure due to new DCE bug

This popped up sometime in the last few days.

When compiling Increment_Serial_Number in ada/lib.adb, we drop an

*** lib.adb.t24.redphi1	2004-08-02 23:02:05.000000000 -0400
--- lib.adb.t25.dce2	2004-08-02 23:02:05.000000000 -0400
*************** Lib.Increment_Serial_Number ()
*** 4481,4502 ****
  <bb 0>:
    lib__units__table.716_2 = lib__units__table;
    lib__current_sem_unit.717_4 = lib__current_sem_unit;
    T.718_6 = (<unnamed type>) lib__current_sem_unit.717_4;
    tsn_7 = &(*lib__units__table.716_2)[T.718_6].serial_number;
    T.719_8 = *tsn_7;
    T.720_9 = (types__TintB) T.719_8;
    T.721_10 = T.720_9 + 1;
    T.722_11 = (types__nat___XDLU_0__2147483647) T.721_10;
-   *tsn_7 = T.722_11;
-   T.723_12 = T.722_11;
    return T.722_11;
  ;; Function Lib.Initialize (lib__initialize)
  Lib.Initialize ()
--- 4191,4210 ----

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