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Re: LSB naming

On Jul 31, 2004, at 4:16 PM, Alan Cox wrote:

On Sul, 2004-08-01 at 01:05, Nathan Myers wrote:
It would be much more apt to call this thing the GSB, GNU Standard Base.

The LSB is theoretically implementable without GNU components as well.
One of the goals is that you should be able to sit down with an army of
programmers and write an LSB compliant system from scratch. It should be
sufficiently well documented for this to work.

That in essence is much of the original naming question.

I don't care about what the name of LSB/GSB/SB should be (note I like OSSB
operating system standard base). This is way offtopic from gcc development.
And if you want an official answer about GCC and OSSB talk to RMS as he is the
one who runs the GNU project and he already talked against it.

-- Pinski

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