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gcc and 64 bit code

	I have this bizzare problem.
	the bit shifting seems work fine on 32 bit data but not
	for 64 bit data:

sample program is:
printf("Int : %i\n",sizeof(unsigned int));
printf("Long: %i\n",sizeof(unsigned long));

unsigned int r1 = 1 << (sizeof(unsigned int)*8 - 1);
printf("count:%li witdth:%li result:%x\n",
       sizeof(unsigned int)*8-1,sizeof(unsigned int)*8,r1);

unsigned long r2 = 1 << (sizeof(unsigned long)*8 - 1);
printf("count:%li witdth:%li result:%x\n",
        sizeof(unsigned long)*8-1,sizeof(unsigned long)*8,r2);


it compiles as follows:
# gcc test2.c
test2.c: In function `main':
test2.c:14: warning: left shift count >= width of type

and the result of running is:
# ./a.out
Int : 4
Long: 8

count:31 witdth:32 result:80000000
count:63 witdth:64 result:0

the system is as follows:
# gcc -dumpversion
# gcc -dumpmachine
# uname -a
Linux k 2.6.7 #3 SMP Fri Jun 18 08:59:04 MST 2004 x86_64 5  GNU/Linux

The bit shifting on 32 bit data seems to work fine but it fails on 64 bit
data. How it is so? Is that because gcc uses 64 bit for all internal
calculations? Even if so, still shouldn't it warn for the 32 bit shifting
as well, not just for the 64 bit case only? It seems to me sort of


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