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Re: Warning about int<-->enum conversions?

On Jul  8, 2004, Nicholas Nethercote <> wrote:

> Does GCC have a flag that would make it give warnings if an enum value
> is mixed up with an int?

You're not mixing enums with ints.  According to the C standard, the
type of enumerators (as opposed to the enumerate types themselves)
*is* int.

>     void f ( int );

>     typedef enum { AA, BB, CC } T;

>     f (AA)           -- complain please
>     int x = CC;      -- ditto

Given the enumerator type definition above, AA is just another way to
spell 1, and CC is just another way to spell 3.  Should we warn about
conversions between enumerate and integer types, we'd have to warn

T y = CC;

void g(T);  g(AA);

I suppose you wouldn't want these warnings.

Alexandre Oliva   
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{,}

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