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Re: Help with installation! plz!

TLN wrote:
./c: /lib/ version `GCC_3.3' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/

This indicates a problem with shared library symbol versioning.

The easiest way to solve it is to use the -static option, which avoids use of shared libraries, and thus avoids this problem.

Otherwise, you need to figure out why the right shared libraries aren't being used. Installing and using shared libraries can be tricky. You may need to define LD_RUN_PATH to point at the gcc shared libraries you installed. Or you may need to add them to /etc/ See the ldconfig man page. You can try using the -v option to see what gcc is doing. If you have a compiler installed into /usr/local, then it probably should be using /usr/local/lib/ instead of /lib/ So you need to figure out why the wrong is being used.

[victor@TLN Desktop]$ gcc -o const1

Use g++ not gcc to compile C++ code. This compile failed because you didn't link in the C++ standard library. g++ will do that automatically for you.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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