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analysis of RTL


My name is Werner Backes, and I'm doing my PhD at the MPI for
computer science in Saarbruecken, Germany. I'm working on
an analysis tool for RTL. I'm actually using the debugging
output .00.rtl generated by the flag -dr. I modified the
output and added a few information. I'm working with two files
.32.xrtl.rtl and .33.xrtl.stack which are generated by the new
flag -dZ. The patches for gcc 3.1.1 are available from my homepage

I do not ask you to integrate this patches, but I would like
to know if you are interested in the analysis part. I'm doing
abstract interpretation (incl. fixpoint computation with
widening/narrowing) with a modified interval analysis.
I'm using lists of intervals with parameterized list length.
This allows us to increase the precision of the approximation.
The interval arithmetic I implemented should support every RTL
operation, including access to the byte representation
(even for floating point) and bit operations (some of them are
not very precise). I even support pointer arithmetic.
My code is written in C++ and I'm interested in a cooperation.

If you are interested or having questions please email since
I don't read the mailing lists.

Best regards,

Werner Backes, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik

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