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Re: header of the build system is used for cross compiling libstdc++

Hideki IWAMOTO wrote:
  /home2/iwamoto/work/canadian-test/build/gcc-3.4.0/configure --prefix=/usr \
    --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=am33_2.0-linux --target=mn10300-elf \
    --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-newlib

The problem here is that you used --prefix=/usr. This is setting up the canadian cross compiler to install into /usr, which means target header files potentially go into /usr/include, which is a problem, because the build header files are also in /usr/include. There is probably no actual problem, as target files won't go into /usr/include, but it is certainly a confusing situation. This confusion is causing the build to fail. This is probably not a wise thing to do. There is a risk of clobbering your system compiler if there is a bug in the canadian cross support. Better is to install someplace else, like /opt, or /usr/local.

The code has been there since gcc-3.0 when libstdc++-v3 went into the tree, so I can't easily tell why the code is there, or if it is really necessary.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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