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contributing & bound-checks

foreword: Hi, newbie-to-mailing-lists here so my apologies in advance if 
there's some netiquette I'm missing.

I've looked to bound-checking projects/patches for gcc but couldnt find 
anything satisfactory for C++

I'd like to know if there is such a project?, will be?, never will?, can I 
try? (technique documentation and actual working code), if so how do I do it 
in a way that, in the eventuality that it works and the steering comitee 
accept it, it wont be a mess to merge and that'll stick with the gcc coding 

my current job is programming game engines (a-z), rt kernels, and script 
compilers (for game logic), I also do the debugging when they get really odd 
nasty bug. (just to tell you that I have some background in that field and 
hopefully dont dismiss me right away as an all-talking none-doing newbie ;)

Stephane Hockenhull

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