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Re: Need doc of debug output produced by -fdump-translation-unit

On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 11:01, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> Can we get a clear
> statement of the policy for either the GNU Coding Standards or the GCC
> Coding Conventions?

This is more a political policy than a technical one, and political
policies can be applied arbitrarily and changed arbitrarily as is
convenient, so there is no clear rule that we can go by.  Here is an
attempt to document the policy:

We are not allowed to accept patches that store internal info (e.g. IL)
to a file in such a way that it can be later read back in.  This is
because such a feature might allow someone to use proprietary code with
gcc without violating the GPL.  This is an FSF policy that the GCC SC
can not change.  This policy will be applied on a case by case basis,
but exceptions are unlikely to be granted.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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