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Trouble with rsync-access


since a couple of days rsync-access to the gcc sources doesn't
work as it used to. Rsyncing my local archive and then checking
out from there results in an error message:

  cvs checkout: Updating gcc
  cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot stat /sourceware/cvs-lockdir/gcc:
    No such file or directory

The culprit seems to be the line


which got added to CVSROOT/config recently:

  date	2004.;	author root;	state Exp;

After deleting this line manually, the check-out works fine.
But that's only a work-around since the next rsync will break things again.

Can the change be reverted or be worked around in some other way?

Btw, the CVSROOT directory contains a lot of old temporary ".#*" files
that can probably be deleted.


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