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Re: Inclusion of g95 in gcc

On Monday 24 May 2004 10:10, THOMAS Paul Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> I am involved in an effort to try to put a number of disparate code
> developments, from all over Europe, onto a common basis.  To do this, we
> ideally need to employ a common compiler suite and it seems to me that gcc
> is absolutely ideal.
> One question that has come up in discussion is that of the status of g95
> and the proposed extensions.  I seem to recall that g95 was to have been
> included in gcc around about now.  I now see that gcc-3.5 is the target. 
> On the other hand, I see an active developers mailing list, including a
> thread on changing copyright notices from G95 to GCC....  BTW, I also
> noticed a thread about the web pages and trying to obtain more visibility,
> thereby increasing the developer/user base.  I think the last is spot on;
> it might be a good idea to get that beta release into gcc as soon as
> possible in order to accomplish it.
> Perhaps I should be more specific and ask if target dates exist for:
> 1) the inclusion of the beta release in gcc
> 2) the inclusion of g95 in gcc and/or the release date of gcc-3.5

Development of g95 was forked some time ago. See the following message:

One of the primary reasons for the fork was we (the developers who created the 
fork) wanted closer integration with gcc. The forked version is now known as 

Gfortran is now part of gcc, and was on the tree-ssa branch before that. It 
will be part of the next major gcc release (curently named 3.5). The latest 
gcc snapshots already include gfortran.

The current Stage 2 target date for 3.5 is 1st July. The release date is 
subject to change, but past experience suggests it'll probably be the first 
half of 2005.

> 3) the inclusion of the fortran 2000 style extensions

We hope to support fortran 200x, and possibly other extensions. However our 
curret focus is still on implementing standard fortran 95, and backwards 
compatibility with g77.

Like the rest of gcc, gfortran is volunteer driven (this can be commercial 
businesses "volunteering", but the same principle applies). Things usually 
get done when someone cares enough about it to submit patches implementing 


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