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Re: Why is my executabel in DOS file format?

Meg Abyte wrote:
I have compile the GNU GCC tools for the Motorola MCORE on a RH linux system. However, when I make the executabel (.s19) it produces it in a DOS file format

Gcc produces only assembly output files, and these are unlikely to be in the wrong format.

Normally the assembler files are turned into binaries by the assembler/linker. Binaries are not text files, so there isn't an issue here about how to end lines of text. The assembler/linker are in a separate package called binutils.

I don't know what you mean by a .s19 executable file. Whatever tool you are using to create the .s19 files is the one that has the problem. This is not gcc, and perhaps not even binutils. Unless perhaps this is some kind of hex dump format, in which case binutils could be producing it. Some kinds of hex dumps might default to DOS file format because some ROM programmers expect to receive DOS files as input, and won't work if fed UNIX files. In any case, binutils problems should not be discussed here. Try if this is a binutils issue.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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