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Re: MinGW (Was: Re: PROPOSAL: Variation on an Alternate policy for obsoleting targets)

> However, there are some platforms which are supported by non-gcc
> developers and aren't useful as-is from FSF sources, yet the
> platform's users desperately wish that gcc would work as-is.

The solution to that, is to make those non-gcc developers gcc

> Given MinGW's importance as the only real way to run gcc on Windows,
> I don't see why it's not even a secondary platform for gcc.

So make Danny the MinGW maintainer for GCC.

> I live in mortal fear that some day the MinGW developers will lose
> interest/be hit by a truck/whatever, and gcc will suddenly become
> unusable on Windows.

Don't forget about Cygwin and DJGPP, which also produce programs that
run under Windows.  Not that I'm putting down MinGW, of course ;-)

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