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Re: Upgrade from 2.9 to 3.x?

Kunal Sachdeva wrote:
> Can anyone suggest how can I upgrade it to 3.x keeping
> in mind I have basic knowledge of Linux ?

If I understand you correctly, you currently have GCC 2.9x, and you want to use GCC 3.3.

Much depends on your distribution of Linux. As far as I know, every Linux dustribution installs a version of GCC, so you're probably using whatever came from whoever (SuSE, Red Hat, Debian, etc.) packaged your Linux. You may want to check with your Linux distributor; it's likely that an update to your Linux installation will automatically upgrade your GCC.

Some Linux distributions include both GCC 2.9x and GCC 3.x, giving one or the other a special name (say, gcc-3) or using symbolic links to set which compiler you're using.

If your Linux vendor does *not* have a newer version of GCC, you have two choices:

1) Change Linux distributions (which may be the easiest solution for a Linux novice)

2) Download the GCC source code, compile it, and install it yourself.

The main gcc web site ( has relatively clear documentation on configuring, compiling, and installing gcc from source.

Scott Robert Ladd
Coyote Gulch Productions (

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