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Re: __attribute__((cleanup(function)) versus try/finally

> > > The __finally block is executed in case of both "normal" C++ exceptions
> > > as well as "faults" such as accessing a NULL pointer, dividing by zero,
> > > etc.
> >
> >And your point is... ? Libjava does this for dwarf2 EH on Linux.
> Yes, I know (

Oh no, that page is way, way out of date.  I must rewrite it.
There's not even any mention of MD_FALLBACK_FRAME_STATE_FOR, which is
the crucial part of the job.

Maybe laymen aren't supposed to be implementing MAKE_THROW_FRAME for
libgcj ;-), but I think it should at least be pointed out that the crucial reasons
the given example works *at all* are that:

1. Linux does not care if the signal handler returns or not (unlike Windows).

2. A proper MD_FALLBACK_FRAME_STATE_FOR definition for Linux/x86 ensures
  that unwinding works through the intervening signal handler frame when a
  "throw" occurs, instead of aborting the process with an uncerimonious
  "abnormal program termination" as would have happened otherwise.


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