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Re: problems re: makeinfo '--split-size' arg?

At Mon, 28 Apr 2003 18:56:56 +0000 (UTC), "Joseph S. Myers" wrote:
> > I suspect that the top-level Makefile should be modified so that
> > it uses 'missing' instead of makeinfo if the --split-size option isn't
> > supported.  (Looks like it was added in rev 4.1 of the texinfo
> > package.)
> For GCC it would be convenient to move the configure check for the
> required Texinfo version (currently >= 4.2) to toplevel so features from
> the same version of Texinfo can freely be used in all manuals, not just
> those in the gcc/ subdirectory.  But other projects might not want the
> required version to change whenever it's convenient to use some new
> feature in some GCC manual and so the version needed for GCC is increased.

It doesn't seem nice to mandate a frequently-increasing version being
required across the whole source tree, unless that version is *really*
necessary across the source tree programs.

On the other hand, there's something to be said for rebuilding info
files consistently across the source tree (i.e., if they're not
rebuilt in one place, they're not rebuilt in all).

If people think that a patch like mine, but w/ the version bumped to
4.2, is reasonable, then that's fine w/ me...  All i know is that the
current state allows one to use makeinfo 4.0, which fails during the
build.  8-)


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