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Re: spam mail fodder from public mailing lists

On Fri, Apr 25, 2003 at 01:32:11PM -0700, Bruce Korb wrote:
> I used to agree.  If you do a wget on this page:
> At the very bottom, you'll see indecipherable javascript gobbeldygook.
> If you do a "view page source" on it, you'll see some HTML mailto
> markup that email harversters never look at and if they do they
> cannot decipher.  Finally, if you x-copy and x-paste, you'll get
> English text.  Something along those lines ought to please everyone.

Except lynx users, the blind, people who don't use X, and people who
turn off javascript.

One of the programmers I know is blind and I shudder to think how
Netscape/IE-only websites are completely inaccessible to him. One good
example of a website that isn't friendly to the blind is ticketmaster,
which requires you to transcribe a word from an image to prove that
you aren't a computer.

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