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Re: autoconf is the wrong tool to use

On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 02:58 PM, Kean Johnston wrote:
I am convinced that autoconf is the wrong tool to be using
in GCC. Its fine for detecting host features we need to
do a bootstrap but it is (IMHO) totally inappropriate for
detecting any target parameters whatsoever.

No. It is appropriate, you just have to understand the design. :-)

Think of autoconf as a feature extraction mechanism. Given M and Q and T, it yields A. M is the running machine (with environment). Q are all the questions we are interested in having answers to, and T is the target triplet. Normally in native build (M is of type T), the answers (A) are determined by running code snippets. However, that is not required by the design. It is perfectly permissible for autoconf to consult a web page populated with static answers that are generated by hand, by an oracle, or by a previous run of snippets on some other machine. Given Q and T (ignoring M), it can still yield A.

If there are multiple sets of answers per T, then, imagine if T is augmented with out of band information that can map to exactly one set of answers for A.

You can see how config.cache fits into such a scheme, just a cache of answers to previous questions.

So, maybe you want to enhance autoconf to do something more?

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