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wstring class not defined - fix


I discovered that side strings are not defined in the string file. After checking the file I discovered that the wstring definition was commented out. I uncommented it and try to compile my code only to get a compile error form line 343 in bastring.h. The line reads:

const charT* c_str() const
 {if ( length() == 0) return ""; terminate(); return data(); }

If this is modified to :
const charT* c_str() const
 {if ( length() == 0) return (const charT*)L""; terminate(); return data(); }

The code compiles and runs and I do not expect that there will be any issues because "" point to a null character and L"" will just point to two null characters if charT is char.

I hope that this will be of interest to you. This simple fix will then allow the use of wide characters.


Doron Wloschowsky
Software Engineer
CQS Technology Holdings
Tel     : +27 (011) 507-0000
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