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Re: GCC 3.3, GCC 3.4


allow me just one question. As a gcc user badly affected by slow c++
compilation and as a result not using gcc/g++ for any other development, I
really would like to see such patches somewhere. So my question is: where
and when they'll appear in some of gcc branches? Or are they just
available for download for 'brave' g++ user who can give them a try?

Thanks a lot,


On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 11:03 AM, Mark Mitchell wrote:

     Well, Mike just checked in a patch that provides a 33% speedup. On the
     head, I've checked in several patches that improve performance by several
     percent, and have more in the works. Nathan is working on a patch to
     remove exponential (no, not just quadratic, exponential) behavior in the
     C++ front end that has been there since *forever* -- probably 2.7.2.

   Sigh, I have a patch that gives a 10x improvement on compile speed...
It makes template programming, fast. I think it rises up to the top of
work to get into the tree next, I think... The change is to ditch the
linked lists from the specializations, instantiations and mangling code.

Karel Gardas        
ObjectSecurity Ltd. 

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