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Re: It's target deprecation season again!

Unruh, Erwin wrote:-

> I have run into a few problems with the EBCDIC support (in GCC 3.0.4):
> In cppinit.c the static function "opt_comp" needs the definiton of "p1" and "p2"
> defined later in this file. The call to qsort needs the size of "struct
> cl_option" defined later in this file. I could solve this problem by
> re-ordering the function definitions in this file.

Please submit a patch against 3.2 and 3.3.  c-opts.c is similar and only
exists in 3.3; I'm not sure whether that has the same problem.

> In libiberty/safe-ctype.c I added a complete case for EBCDIC, using a check like
> #elif '\n' == 0x15 && ' ' == 0x40 && '0' == 0xF0 \
>   && 'A' == 0xC1 && 'a' == 0x81 && '!' == 0x5A \
>   && 'J' == 0xD1 && 'j' == 0x91 && EOF == -1

I'm sure DJ would appreciate a patch for this.
> In tradcif.y use TARGET_ESC instead of hardcoded "033".

tradcif is dead in 3.3 (yeah!), but a 3.2 patch would be welcome.


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