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#line and g++


I have a problem in using #line directive with c++ compiler.
If I force a line of code in a `cfile.c' to be considered as
coming from a different source file `source.ext' with a

# line 99 "source.ext"

directive and compile it with g++ it does not work. I mean
that looking at the object file with `objdump -G' I don't
find any reference to the string `source.ext' and if I try
symbolic debugging (ddd) I don't see this file in the list
of sources.
Looking at the assembler output (-E) I saw only .stabn are
inserted and not .stabs "source.ext"

If I compile the same source file with gcc it works.

Are there any differences in the syntax or usage of #line
between the two compilers?

Thank you!
Aldo Dolfi

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